Intermedia Work and Music for Film
37°32'17.0"N 126°50'20.7"E
A short fiIm in which June Seo slowly emerges from a cocoon housed in the basement of Westbeth, crawls across the room, builds a chair, and takes a seat.
Director: June Seo Dramaturgy: Jeonghoon Choi // Internal design: Drif Dong, Lars Montanaro, Matias Pina Aguilera // External design: Jiajun Lyu, YuHan Zhang // Sound design: Conner Simmons // Lightning design: Florencia Lechin // Videography: Kathryn Elizabeth Kearney // Documentation Videography: Yuan-Bai Tsou // Performer: June Seo
WestBeth, New York City, 2024
an installation work for vr and planetariums by diana rojas + miezzma
Link to full-length 360º video
Query is a single-channel, 360-degree audiovisual work intended to be experienced through VR and installations within a planetarium. This piece utilizes abstracted imagery of the cosmos, specifically rings of light which form as a result of gravitational lensing an occurrence observed when a massive body existing in spacetime, such as galaxy clusters or black holes, cause a curvature in spacetime resulting in the light around the mass to bend. Droning bass sounds and sine waves accompany the widening portals, creating a sense of depth. Drawing its title from Isaac Newton’s Opticks, in which Newton wrote about gravity, light and God, Query serves as a reminder of the distance between humanity, the invisible, and the immense.
- Diana Rojas
Music by Miezzma, the avant-doom metal project of Conner Simmons and Kory Reeder

Jonathan Snead, Marcel Castro-Lima, & Conner Simmons
XOPOΣ (Greek: chorus) was a series of immersive multimedia theater works for improvising shadow theater chamber ensemble and overlapping refracted video projections which provided abstract commentary on the subjects and thematic material of the intermedia performance art installation found///lost in transit.
Video documentation and more info on the piece can be found at
Harbinger - Diana Rojas & Conner Simmons
Harbinger is a single channel audiovisual piece that explores the concept of harbingers through the amalgamation of materiality and symbolism of silica aerogel and angelic beings.
Harbinger was recently exhibited at the Cappella Santa Maria den Carcerati in Bologna, Italy as a part of the “Labrinto Urbano” show by videoart channel Mock Jungle.
video by Diana Rojas [website] sound by Conner Simmons
Norimichi Hirakawa- quaternary
[strobe warning]
Above is a video work by the artist Norimichi Hirakawa (website), which I created an original score for using an analog synth, a violin, and some guitar pedals.
The video is originally silent, and the music was created by myself in response to the work. Shared with the artist’s permission.
The Class of 2018 B.C.
Above is the teaser to the feature film "The Class of 2018 B.C." directed by Ben Escobar. I was very happy to have the opportunity to write the score for this film, and am excited for its expected release next fall. It is currently being submitted for consideration at Sundance and many other festivals.
The film is not publicly released yet, but you can watch the cues from the film here:
The full score is also available on bandcamp (and most other streaming services):
Directed By Andrew Valentine
A humorous short directed by Andrew Valentine following two teenagers on a prom night gone somewhat awry. Scored by myself.
A Cat with Nine Lives Always Dies…Again
“A Cat With 9 Lives Always Dies…Again” is a moderately modern, slightly tongue-in-cheek take on the giallos of Mario Bava and Dario Argento. All sound and score work was done by myself.